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the FREE rule

I think that it was either Ben Franklin, John Lennon or perhaps Socrates who once stated, “Free work only begets you more free work.” This may be true, but if, as a designer, if you live by the following rule –you at least get the satisfaction of working without a creative leash and often times the finished product is payment enough.

Here is THE RULE:
If you are asked to donate your time and talents for FREE, you may accept the job but only if you have full creative freedom (assuming, of course, that you are willing to accept the project parameters and production budget). In other words, there is to be limited commentary from the peanut gallery! It doesn’t matter if Mrs. Smith’s daughter does NOT like the color green. YOU picked green – and green it will be!

Over the past few years, my firm has completed a number of projects for the Cohasset Education Foundation. Like many cash-strapped towns in Massachusetts, the public school system depends on personal contributions that extend beyond taxpayer dollars.

As a member of the CEF board as well as the organization’s creative director, we were able to enact THE RULE and it has been a fun ride ever since. Above is our Event Mark for the annual spelling bee. To the left is the Cohasset Education Foundation logo.

OK. Now back to the work that pays the bills.


Skymaster 2000, Turns Ten

It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since the introduction of the EYMER DESIGN Skymaster 2000, commuter mug. There are clients, friends and fans that still start out there day – especially on these ‘wickahd’ cold mornings – with their Skymaster in hand, with there favorite hot beverage.

The accompanying ad was created by the wonderful and talented Mark S. Fisher, who helped us with a number of our promotional pieces.

Over the years we have had some great clients and projects. It is always most fun, however, to whip up something crazy for ourselves!


Content first, then typography.

Signs posted throughout South Shore Sports Center, Hingham MA.


Cool type tip for designers

Organize you computer's gazillion fonts with Vernox Software's TypeBook creator. Easily build a printed font book if you you want or view character set on your screen.



e-Commerce Innovation Design

Recently, e-commerce leader ATG, hired Eymer Design to develop an event mark for a meeting of the company’s executive advisory board. The Fuse 2010 event is taking place this week at the Boca Raton Resort and Club, in sunny Florida.

The name “Fuse” was selected because it conveys the concept of dynamic new thinking in regards to future e-commerce innovation and growth. Fuse 2010, provides an opportunity for e-commerce executives to make connections, share perspectives and establish relationships with fellow thought leaders.

The selected mark direction, was designed to emphasize the power and energy of innovative thought – through group discussion and collaboration. For those living in the North, the event also provides an opportunity to escape winter’s snow and frigid temperatures. As we are sure you see, the concept of sun and warmth also plays into the event mark direction.

Fuse 2010 invitation | 8.0" square, 12-pagesOther project components included an invitation package and presentation templates.